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I made it to MY Friday!  Yea!  I am home at last after getting in a couple more hours this morning playing the bad guy at work.  Funny how that happens so quickly on the day you “forget” to pay rent. “Oh that’s TODAY!”  Then it’s my fault.  ??  OK.

Last night after my so bad, so good dinner, I made a totally awesome yogurt mess for dessert.  Using Dannon’s plain Greek yogurt I mixed an Omega 3 flax seed dark chocolate cookie, a few raisins, and a dab of Better N Peanut Butter together.

It was great!  Not too heavy after my healthy dinner.

This morning’s breakfast after my early morning butt kicking from Jillian Michaels was Multi-Grain Milled Flax Seed and Soy Hot Cereal.  I stirred in half a banana and cinnamon.

It rocked my breakfast.

But that’s when my snack attack began!

Mid morning snack was a cup of Yoplait Honey Vanilla Greek yogurt.  I loved the taste!

I left work early today.  I didn’t get to eat lunch before I left so after picking up Baby Girl from my Mom’s I came home to grub.

Before I got there I found a blueberry Z bar in my purse.  Mmmmm.

On the lunch plate was Bumble Bee’s Spicy Thai Tuna on top of Wasa Light and Crisp Crackers instead of the crackers they provide in the lunch kit.  I gave those to Big Girl in her lunch box today to not be wasteful.

I topped my tuna crackers with black olives and grape tomatoes.

After lunch I cut up a peach!

Within the hour I also ate a handful of Yogi Mountain Blueberry Crisps, and a handful of Annie’s Bunny Cookies.

Bunny cookies went without a picture.

I finally feel full (for now).  I have no idea what we are doing for dinner tonight, but I will be sure to let you know to details!!

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