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This morning the ground was covered with a thin layer of snow.  Let’s just say I am not a fan.  This winter has been harsh and I am ready for it to be over.  How come I feel like I’ve said that before? 

B’s dad did not come over this morning due to the snow.  So that meant no donuts!  My girls were crushed.  To help make them feel better, I made them waffles and sugar-free strawberry preserves.  They forgot all about donuts soon enough. 

I however made myself something a little more… me!  An egg sandwich with a 1/4 cup egg beaters, 2 egg whites, and spinach.  I also added a couple slices turkey to the sammie. 

Mmm..runny hot sauce!

I love eggs!!  You probably haven’t noticed that though!  That held me all the way through to lunch.  For this meal I wasn’t really feeling anything in particular today.  I am trying to use up our near gone food so we can avoid having to throw anything out.  Does anyone else’s household eat something to the very end and then just let the last of whatever it is sit?  The last few grapes, the last pieces of lunch meat, for example.  I think it is because we buy new, and then you want to try the new product over last week’s old news. 

I quickly threw together a turkey/roast beef wrap.  The insides were sliced peppered roast beef and Cajun seasoned turkey breast topped with baby spinach and Dijon mustard wrapped up in a La Tortilla tortilla.  On the side were some Stacy’s naked pita chips.

Yummers!!  Fridge scraps can make the best meals sometimes. 

This afternoon was an un-pictured crumpet (the last one) spread with sugar-free strawberry preserves and Better N Peanut Butter.  I also made one of those frozen in a bag Yoplait smoothies.

It was just Ok.  Nothing special.  When I finished blending it and picked up the pitcher, the bottom of my blender came off and thankfully the smoothie was pretty thick or else I would have had a much larger mess on my hands than what I did.  Oh fun times!  Both DD’s and their friend from next door each had a smoothie too.  They thought it was ice cream! 

I really wanted a yogurt mess but I can easily spend WAY too much on just yogurt.  I am trying to watch my consumption of expensive Greek yogurt.  Even when it’s the cheap-er versions it’s still expensive. 

Dinner was something usual, but delicious.  Wacky pasta!!!  One of B and my faves.  Turkey italian sausage and veggie noodles.

Looks good doesn’t it??  MmHmm, it was! 

So it’s Monday tomorrow, but I am looking forward to working out in the AM.  I’ve missed it this weekend, and it’s just been too dang cold to go outside and do anything unfortunately. 

I think I will make a huge yogurt concoction tonight, or a little one, but either way…it’s on with the dairy goodness filled with random stuff!!

Good night!

I am wiped out today!  I had lots to do, so I am just gonna post some pics and get on to my nice relaxing evening.

Lunch today was an egg wrap again.

1 egg

1/4 cup Egg Beaters

1 egg white

Whisked together and topped with mushrooms and rolled in a tortilla with LC cheese spread.  I also used some mustard for dippage!

Snacks today were of course a yogurt mess:

Yoplait plain Greek


Fiber One Honey Clusters (I LOVE this cereal)

I also roasted a can of chick peas for the first time today.  I loved it.  Big Girl liked the chickpeas raw, BEFORE I cooked them and then she didn’t want anything to do with the crunchy little seasoned chickpeas!

I also munched on a plate of deli sliced turkey and mustard.

Dinner was quick because B is still helping his Mom move and so he was not home.  I made  chicken breast with water chestnuts, and mushrooms all grilled together on the stove top.  I also had a cucumber salad on the side.

So good!  Well peeps, I am off to finish up the night with the kiddos.  I think I heard Candy Land was in my future.

Good Night!

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