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Today I had my 1st ever Green Monster!! 

I was NOT disappointed!

After my usual eggs for breakfast this morning I realized about an hour later I was still hungry…like really hungry!

I decided to take the plunge into the infamous Green Monster I keep reading about.  Great for your skin and nails…fills you up, and oh so nutritious!

I mixed 2 cups spinach

1 cup skim cow’s milk

1 banana

1 strawberry ( I was making the kids cereal and cutting them up anyway)



I packed it to go and drank it on my way to workout before work this morning.  I did a 15 minute HIIT on the elliptical and 15 minutes on weights, so this helped put a pep in my step this morning for sure!!

I liked it a lot!  Even Big girl liked it when she tasted it, so that’s saying a lot too!  she kept asking for drinks from the back seat when I was dropping them off. 

Here is a quick recap of lunch and dinner from yesterday.  It includes a veggie burger, veggie salad, and Wacky Pasta!!

Dessert was a yogurt mess with crumbled dark chocolate flax seed cookie, and strawberries…Yum!

Have a great afternoon!

I feel so…out of shape!

I hope everybody’s week is moving right along.  My days have started earlier than normal lately.  I am trying to find time to fit in some excercise and I just got The Biggest Loser DVD Cardio Max.


OMG!  Maybe cause I haven’t been keeping up my physical activity lately, but I need a walker.  For real!  The kind with bright yellow tennis balls on the bottom please.  My legs are sooo sore!

I have been getting up at 4:45 to fit in about 20 minutes of level 2 and level 3 cardio.  I know it’s not much, but it’s better than nothing!  I can’t leave the house for a run at 5 am with B needing to leave for work early and the kids asleep.  It’s hard between Big Girl’s karate classes, and needing to be home with the family after work to then go off to the gym.  So home DVD work out it is.

I am waiting on Jillian’s 30 Day Shred to get here.  Iordered it today through Amazon.  I hear that one is the best one to try for a solid effective workout in a short amount of time.  I am defiantly excited to try it out and am looking forward to getting back into getting the physical fitness in there I enjoyed so much last year.  Time is short, and I need more that’s for sure!!

After my cardio session this morning I cooked up  a 1/2 cup of beaters and a bowl of Fiber One.  Probably one of my favorite combinations, and you may (probably will) see it tomorrow.

Mid morning snack was a lovely pear.  Oh so good.

Lunch was thrown together so quickly this morning for being short on what else?  Time!  I cut up some old-fashioned veggies including squash, cucumber, red bell pepper, baby carrot, and tomato.  I nuked a veggie patty and dipped it all in delicious red pepper hummus!  It turned out to be a fantastic lunch!

A couple of hours later I had my daily dose of calcium with vanilla flavored Chobani.  I mixed in some Yogi blueberry flax cereal.

I love, love, love the fact that I am starting to see peaches again!  I can – and might – eat a peach every single day this summer!  I had one this afternoon.

When I got home it was a mad dash to get the girls in the bath while B started dinner.  Remember our satellite went out last Saturday?  Yeah, it’s still out and we are rocking some fashionable rabbit ears on the 57 inch these days.  Well, no satellite means no DVR, which means…panic!  Just kidding, but The Biggest Loser came back on tonight and we didn’t want to miss too much.

Dinner was too good to rush through though.  It was Wacky Pasta night!

I added squash, black olives, red bell pepper, red pepper flakes for some pizzaz, and balsamic vinaigrette with a splash of lemon juice.  Like I said, it was really, really good!

After the girls went to bed (so I wouldn’t have to share) I made some microwaved baked cinnamon apple.

Well everyone, it’s time for me to get things ready for tomorrow.  Hope everyone has a great night!

So last night did get more relaxing.  Hubby made “Wacky Pasta” for dinner.  It’s actually not wacky anymore, we used to use the tri-colored wheel-shaped noodles so the girls would eat it.  It was just a way to make dinner fun, but that did not fool them.  They will eat it though if we put pizza sauce in it and mix it up.  Even more wacky IMO.

So anyway, wacky pasta is simply noodles, we used whole wheat rotini noodles and lean turkey Italian sausage.  We mix it in balsamic vinaigrette, and I cut up veggies to add to mine.  One of our favorite go-to meals!

Dessert was a lemon Girl Scout cookie (I know it has an official name, but I don’t remember) crumbled over my vanilla fro-yo.  It was refreshing!

Breakfast this morning was a bowl of microwaved oats, a few frozen blueberries, and a 1/4 cup of Fiber One.  I liked it, and it turned my oatmeal purple so of course it looked interesting and that’s always good.

I worked the morning away as always and was staring out the window to a perfectly gorgeous day!  It was cold…but beautiful and SUN SHINEY!!  Ahh, I’ve missed the sun.  I cannot wait until Spring!  Stupid Groundhog.

I ate half my Chocolate Raspberry Luna bar, and let me tell you.  I normally don’t eat a lot of bars as meals/snacks because I don’t feel like I ate anything substantial and I end up eating more anyway like the bar never crossed my lips, but this Luna bar was pretty filling.  The protein count didn’t hurt I’m sure and I may buy more.  The flavor was good, and the texture was soft but not too air-y.  It had substance.  It hit the spot.

Lunch was leftover Orzo Bean Salad from Monday.  I HATE to waste food, so I saw it sitting in the fridge practically yelling…”EAT ME!!”  I was easily convinced and packed it along with a veggie patty and sliced red bell pepper.

Now that was the highlight of today’s lunch, the veggie patty and bell pepper.  Great combo and crunchy.  I was saddened however that I left my carrot at home in it baggie in the fridge by its lonesome.  My kids were distracting me while I packed my lunch this morning and I left the poor guy out.  I was a little upset by this when I realized my misfortune.


B, my hubby, found this little gem last weekend while shopping at Target last weekend!  I think I’ll keep him around because not only did he find this still very within it’s best by date, very delish, very cheap $0.97 cup o’ peach flavored Chobani!

It is by far the best flavor I have so far!  I wanted to lick the inside of the cup but being in the professional world at the time I refrained.  It probably would have been frowned upon…or deeply pondered.

I met the fam at my daughter’s Tae-Kwon-Do lesson after work tonight and guess what sweet B had waiting for me?

A non-fat, no whip white mocha!  My favorite!

I love him!

I took the kids home, while B went to pick up dinner tonight.  We decided on Chipotle and I had him get me the vegetarian burrito bol.  The coffee sort of filled me up, and I didn’t want anything too heavy loaded with lots of chicken.

That was a good plan, in theory.  This sucker probably weighed 10 pounds!  Black beans, tomato salsa, corn salsa, fajita veggies, romaine lettuce, and guacamole.  So good, but OMG there was enough to feed 3 people!

Fair warning: You might see this for my lunch on Thursday.

Makes you want one for yourself now huh?  I never think about Chipotle when eating out, and we don’t go that often.  We cook most of our meals at home, so this was a treat!

Overall, good day.  Better than yesterday.  Good hubby.  Good dinner.  Carrot MIA, but a good lunch.

Now my sweet tooth is calling.   I must answer!  Even though that veggie bol was too much to handle, I cannot deny my sweet tooth.

Good night all!

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